Evolutionary information seeking: A case study of personal development and Internet searching


  • Jarkko Kari




This article explores one question: what does Internet searching have to do with personal development? Personal development means that individuals improve their own abilities, skills, knowledge or other qualities by working on them. The paper reports on a qualitative case study, in which a single participant was interviewed and her Web searches observed. Information search strategies seemed to form a spectrum of developmental sophistication. Four major types of relationship were found: a) the Internet in the context of development; b) development in the context of the Internet; c) development affecting Internet use; and, d) Internet use affecting development. There were some informational phenomena which exhibited regression, the converse of development.




How to Cite

Kari, J. (2006). Evolutionary information seeking: A case study of personal development and Internet searching. First Monday, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v11i1.1308